Leslie Fiedler Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Leslie Fiedler quotes and sayings page 5 (critic). These are the last 6 out of 46 quotes we have.

Leslie Fiedler Quotes
“Faulkner turned out to be a great teacher. When a student asked a question ineptly, he answered the question with what the student had really wanted to know.”
Leslie Fiedler Quotes
“Hemingway seems to be in a funny position. People nowadays can't identify with him closely as a member of their own generation, and he isn't yet historical.”
“I've had a tough time with Pynchon. I liked him very much when I first read him. I liked him less with each book. He got denser and more complex in a way that didn't really pay off.”
Leslie Fiedler Quotes
“Jane Austen is at the end of the line that begins with Samuel Richardson, which takes wonder and magic out of the novel, treats not the past but the present.”
Leslie Fiedler Quotes
“What I really dream of is that somebody would blow everything I've done out of the water in a beautiful way, which would clear the way for something better to come along.”
“When I was 12 years old, someone took me to see Martha Graham. It was nothing like what I thought of as serious dancing and even then I knew I was having a great experience. It was as if somebody was moving through space like no one ever did before.”

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