Lev Grossman Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Lev Grossman quotes and sayings page 5 (novelist). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 59 we have.

Lev Grossman Quotes
“The novel is a highly corrupt medium, after all - in the end the vast majority of them simply aren't that great, and are destined to be forgotten.”
Lev Grossman Quotes
“The real world is horrible.”
Lev Grossman Quotes
“There's a special gut-check moment the first time you write a scene in which somebody casts a spell.”
Lev Grossman Quotes
“What surprised me about 'The Casual Vacancy' was not just how good it was, but the particular way in which it was good.”
Lev Grossman Quotes
“Hating a book is not unlike hating a person; in fact it's tempting to just go ahead and hate the author personally, by proxy, qua human being, except that I know that would be a mistake.”
“My specialty as a collector is books that almost have value. When I love a book, I don't buy the first edition, because those have become incredibly expensive. But I might buy a beat-up copy of the second edition, third printing, which looks almost exactly the same as the first edition except that a couple of typos have been fixed.”
Lev Grossman Quotes
“A lot of young-adult authors, great ones, have tried their hands at literary fiction, and not a lot of them have succeeded. Not even Roald Dahl could switch-hit, and not for lack of trying.”
“Even though I have spent literally years of my life trying to learn another language, any other language - and even though I have in the past claimed in several key professional contexts that I speak other languages - I am in fact still trapped inside the bubble of English.”
“I don't know if I've ever derived such an immediate sense of calm and well-being from any book as I did from 'Right Ho, Jeeves.' It was like I was Pac-Man and the book was a power-up.”
“I ought to at least be able to read literature in French. I went to an enlightened grade school that started us on French in fifth grade, which meant that by the time I graduated high school I had been at it for eight years.”

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