Lois Lowry Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)
Lois Lowry quotes and sayings page 6 (writer). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 63 we have.
“The fact that I lost my son permeates my being.”
“Because I have two houses, I invariably get immersed in a book and then discover it's at the other house.”
“I never, as a reader, have been particularly interested in dystopian literature or science fiction or, in fact, fantasy.”
“I think I've written 40 books, and none of them have been heavy on action. I'm an introspective person.”
“I'm not terribly conversant with children's literature in general. I tend to read books for adults, being an adult.”
“My mind is always on whatever next project I'm working on.”
“Nowadays it seems as though people sit down to write what they know is going to be a trilogy.”
“I think when you've had success, publishers and reviewers and readers are willing to let you try something new if you've already proven yourself. They're excited about what you're doing, you have people interested in it, and actually waiting for it. It's empowering.”
“In 1952, when I was 15 and living on Governors Island, which was then First Army Headquarters, I encountered the newly-published 'The Catcher in the Rye.' Of course, that book became the iconic anti-establishment novel for my generation.”
“Most people remember being 4 objectively, as if they're seeing a movie of a 4-year-old. But me, if you ask me to think about when I'm 4, I can feel myself being 4, and I am there, looking out through my 4-year-old eyes.”
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