Lord Mountbatten Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Lord Mountbatten quotes and sayings page 2 (soldier). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 25 we have.
“What do you do if you are asked to do a job, first by the Prime Minister, and then by the King? How can you refuse?”
“Even that crazy lunatic, my aunt the Empress, wa absolutely sweet and charming.”
“I liked Truman very much. He was precise and businesslike. After a while, it was his turn.”
“Men o' war were to be a part of the fabric of my life for the next half-century.”
“No one person invented Mulberry. The knowledge that we had to have this floating harbor slowly grew.”
“This is the war I fear.”
“You can divide my life into two.”
“Here I am in my first command - a bit dazed but feeling very grand.”
“I believe firmly that it was the Almighty's goodness, to check my consummate vanity.”
“I suppose you can say I became an odd-job man.”
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