Luke Pasqualino Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Luke Pasqualino quotes and sayings page 2 (36 year old actor). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 21 we have for him.

Luke Pasqualino Quotes
“I wouldn't let anyone say a bad word about Cheryl Cole.”
Luke Pasqualino Quotes
“I've always liked food, and I've always been interested in cooking and stuff like that.”
Luke Pasqualino Quotes
“You can't steal every scene. There are scenes in which you need to sit back and do a lot less, verbally, physically.”
“Any project that you shoot, it's never going to be completely finished the way that... I don't think I've ever worked on anything where every scene has been kept in the order that it was originally in, or that it hasn't been cut down in some way.”
“I did enjoy cooking, I still do really enjoy cooking - I make a nice salmon dish, and I'm a huge meat freak, so I love to bang a few steaks on the grill or pasta. Anything Italian, really.”
“I remember everyone in my nursery school class getting a carton of milk before the day started. Only, I got mine about 20 minutes later than everyone else because it had to be kept on the radiator for a short while. I liked warm milk when I was small.”
“I suppose if I did get into a situation with a friend where we both liked the same girl, I like to think we'd sit down maturely and decide who was going to get in there, and then the other would stand aside.”
Luke Pasqualino Quotes
“I was quite young when I went to a drama workshop. I was around 9 or 10. I showed interest in it. I never saw it as a career. At around 16, I knew what I wanted to do.”
Luke Pasqualino Quotes
“In my opinion, the BBC are one of the best producers of drama in the world, and it made me incredibly happy to get the opportunity to be one of the leading men in one of their productions.”
Luke Pasqualino Quotes
“My cousin owns restaurants, and I used to work in his restaurants with his chef. I've always liked food, and I've always been interested in cooking and stuff like that.”

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