Malin Akerman Quotes & Sayings

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64 most famous Malin Akerman quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 46 year old Swedish actress born on May 12, 1978.

Malin Akerman Quotes
“I think recharging is important, absolutely. Every now and then, you need maybe a couple of weeks to just chill out and let your emotions balance themselves out a little bit.”
“The funny thing is that my husband couldn't be sweeter. He looks like this bad boy. He's got tattoos and earrings and a mohawk, but when you talk to him and he's around you, he's such a gentleman. He holds doors for ladies. He pulls out chairs. He cooks. He cleans.”
Malin Akerman Quotes
“I don't mind being goofy and silly. I love to make people laugh and I'm not self-conscious.”
Malin Akerman Quotes
“Modeling was never anything that was a career choice. I did catalog work in Toronto to make money so that I could go to school.”
Malin Akerman Quotes
“Who doesn't love a funny girl who can look sexy at the same time?”
“We all in real life put on these masks - we don't swear when we're around certain people... When we come home, when you're on your own I'm sure you're really different than when you're with your boss.”
Malin Akerman Quotes
“As a girl I wanted the Cyndi Lauper hairstyle, with the shaved side of the head, or the Sharon Stone perm from 'Total Recall.'”
“In '87, I was about 9 years old, and so at that point I was wearing, like, fluorescent green T-shirts and acid-wash jeans and leg warmers, and my hair was in a ponytail with a scrunchie and I had the teased bangs that were up in a rainbow shape. It was crazy.”
Malin Akerman Quotes
“I was a groupie for a year and followed a band. I dated the drummer of the band.”
Malin Akerman Quotes
“People do think you're more intelligent if you have dark hair. But my husband definitely prefers me as a blonde.”

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