Manal al-Sharif Quotes & Sayings

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7 most famous Manal al-Sharif quotes and sayings (activist).

Manal al-Sharif Quotes
“The rain begins with a single drop.”
Manal al-Sharif Quotes
“All I did was ask for rights. I didn't attack anyone. I didn't harass anyone. I didn't oppose the system or the country or the authority. All I said is, 'Why can't I drive?'”
Manal al-Sharif Quotes
“It took me a long, long time to break the chains that's inside me.”
Manal al-Sharif Quotes
“Women tell me they are different since 21 May - the day I was arrested - it's a positive change, they believe now.”
Manal al-Sharif Quotes
“Women want to drive and they are taking actual steps towards that.”
Manal al-Sharif Quotes
“When women break that taboo and they're not afraid to drive that car by herself - that's it. Now she has the guts to speak up for herself and take action.”
Manal al-Sharif Quotes
“We won't stop until the first Saudi license is issued to a woman.”

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