Marcus Brigstocke Quotes & Sayings

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38 most famous Marcus Brigstocke quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 51 year old British comedian born on May 8, 1973.

“Political correctness is as exploitable as any other progressive ideal, but its aim is to stifle the incessant noise of those who flap their careless lips without a thought about those they might offend and why that might be important.”
Marcus Brigstocke Quotes
“Offence is important; that's how you know you care about things. Imagine a life where you're not offended. So dull.”
Marcus Brigstocke Quotes
“I have learnt that I am incapable of packing the right amount of clothing, probably because I start 10 minutes before I'm supposed to leave, and that I truly hate airports.”
Marcus Brigstocke Quotes
“Catholicism has the clerical equivalent to a nut allergy - even a small exposure to change, and the whole thing will go into anaphylactic shock.”
Marcus Brigstocke Quotes
“I think it's important never to look yourself up on Wikipedia. I think the temptation to correct any interesting factual errors would be too much.”
Marcus Brigstocke Quotes
“I find myself by default an atheist but fairly unhappily so. It would be bloody marvelous if there was a god.”
Marcus Brigstocke Quotes
“I went to China for a brief working visit, and I thought that Shanghai was interesting, but Beijing totally grabbed me.”
Marcus Brigstocke Quotes
“I am not racked with self-loathing. Some issues of guilt and shame, but I'm a pretty good guy.”
Marcus Brigstocke Quotes
“I'm more pompous and self-assured and determined that if - you know - if the truth can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed.”
Marcus Brigstocke Quotes
“My purist comedy friends accuse me of being a Jack of all trades and master of none.”

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