Margaret Oliphant Quotes & Sayings

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7 most famous Margaret Oliphant quotes and sayings (novelist).

Margaret Oliphant Quotes
“Oh, never mind the fashion. When one has a style of one's own, it is always twenty times better.”
Margaret Oliphant Quotes
“What happiness is there which is not purchased with more or less of pain?”
Margaret Oliphant Quotes
“It has been my fate in a long life of production to be credited chiefly with the equivocal virtue of industry, a quality so excellent in morals, so little satisfactory in art.”
Margaret Oliphant Quotes
“To have a man who can flirt is next thing to indispensable to a leader of society.”
“As for pictures and museums, that don't trouble me. The worst of going abroad is that you've always got to look at things of that sort. To have to do it at home would be beyond a joke.”
Margaret Oliphant Quotes
“Temptations come, as a general rule, when they are sought.”
Margaret Oliphant Quotes
“For everybody knows that it requires very little to satisfy the gentlemen, if a woman will only give her mind to it.”

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