Matt Groening Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)
Matt Groening quotes and sayings page 5 (71 year old cartoonist). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 96 we have for him.
“I also found child's play - stuff that was not considered serious, but goofy - was the stuff I liked to do, so I still do it as an adult.”
“When DVDs finally disappear, I'm going to be sad. I'll miss the commentaries.”
“Our solution on 'The Simpsons' is to do jokes that people who have an education, or some frame of reference, can get. And for the ones who don't, it doesn't matter, because we have Homer banging his head and saying, 'D'oh!'”
“The conundrum that I face on a daily basis is that I have two sons who have grown up watching 'The Simpsons,' so they know exactly what buttons to push. They know how Bart irritates Homer, and they use these lines against me to tell me that I'm not funny anymore.”
“I judge my life by how miserable it used to be. If I could pay my rent, I was deliriously happy. Now I'm deliriously happy all the time.”
“I want it to go on, but I want us to go out on top.”
“Oftentimes, what seems to be a street lunatic charging at me spouting gibberish turns out to be a devoted 'Simpsons' fan quoting their favorite line.”
“We've been running a little behind schedule. But only by about 15 years or so.”
“I think when 'The Simpsons' first came on, there was an uproar. People got used to it. They realized the show's really funny, it's got a heart, so I think it's pretty safe.”
“We have 'Doctor Who' references on 'Futurama,' but we have a lot of science fiction references that I don't get; but in the staff we have experts on 'Star Trek,' 'Star Wars,' 'Doctor Who' and 'Dungeons and Dragons.'”
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