Matt Mullenweg Quotes & Sayings (Page 9)
Matt Mullenweg quotes and sayings page 9 (businessman). Here's quote # 81 through 90 out of the 114 we have.
“Red notification bubbles on any icon, including mail, drive me crazy.”
“Some folks have suggested that, using WordPress, Prologue, and RSS, you could create a pretty effective distributed version of Twitter.”
“Sometimes you might feel blogs are like TV: You have a thousand channels, but nothing good is on.”
“Thanks to our friends at the dot-ME Registry, WordPress is able to offer one of the shortest and most effective URLs available today.”
“The beauty of open-source is that you can pick up right where someone left off and start right there.”
“The biggest mistake we made at in term of infrastructure was buying servers.”
“The promise of the early web was that everyone could have a website but there was something missing. Maybe the technology wasn't ready.”
“The world cannot live on 140 characters alone.”
“Ubuntu is doing amazing things, and I think it's going to change the face of the desktop.”
“What's best for advertisers on Twitter's platform isn't for there to be 20 different clients.”
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