Matt Taibbi Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Matt Taibbi quotes and sayings page 6 (55 year old author). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 95 we have for him.

Matt Taibbi Quotes
“At root, the Tea Party is nothing more than a them-versus-us thing.”
Matt Taibbi Quotes
“Capitalism is a system for determining objective value.”
Matt Taibbi Quotes
“I think that if you're a thinking person you should always be trying to learn something new.”
Matt Taibbi Quotes
“The individual incentive not to commit crime on Wall Street now is almost zero.”
Matt Taibbi Quotes
“Comparing your family budget to the sovereign debt of the United States is a little like comparing two kindergartners tossing a paper airplane to the Apollo 11 mission.”
Matt Taibbi Quotes
“'Prop trading' is just a fancy term for banks gambling in the market for their own profit.”
Matt Taibbi Quotes
“In modern American politics, being the right kind of ignorant and entertainingly crazy is like having a big right hand in boxing; you've always got a puncher's chance.”
“In the old days, when you took out a mortgage, it was probably through a local bank or a credit union, and whoever gave you your loan held on to it for life. If you lost your job or got too sick to work and suddenly had trouble making your payments, you could call a human being and work things out.”
“The national debt is totally unlike a family budget for about a gazillion reasons, not the least of which being that families cannot raise money by fiat or deflate the size of their debt unilaterally and that family members die instead of existing infinitely.”
Matt Taibbi Quotes
“2008 was to the American economy what 9/11 was to national security. Yet while 9/11 prompted the U.S. government to tear up half the Constitution in the name of public safety, after 2008, authorities went in the other direction.”

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