Matthew Davis Quotes & Sayings

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9 most famous Matthew Davis quotes and sayings. He's a 46 year old American actor born on May 8, 1978.

“To become a villain, you had to have become disillusioned, and in order to become disillusioned you had to have been passionate about something you believed in that was shaken and ripped from your grasp as a protagonist in that stage of your life, leaving you disillusioned with God, if you will.”
“I'm very opinionated, and when you're put in a position where you're getting the storylines that are not necessarily what's cranking at the back of your mind, or digging at the potential of your character and you have to sit on your hands, that's frustrating.”
Matthew Davis Quotes
“I find the trick to playing a villain is that you can't be bad for the sake of being bad. It has to be rooted in some sort of heartbreak.”
Matthew Davis Quotes
“I think that if Hollywood has a problem, it constantly underestimates the intelligence and integrity of fans.”
Matthew Davis Quotes
“I can't say that I have ever been fanatical about a show. To be honest, I'm not a big TV watcher. When I do watch TV, I watch the news.”
Matthew Davis Quotes
“I'm one of those people where, the more responsibility I have, the better I become. The more I rise up to it. The less responsibility I have, the more I can easily devolve.”
“If a show is good, it helps people learn about themselves in some way and in some function. Whatever the genre is, if it's executed well, audiences grow and learn from it, and that's where their passion and enthusiasm comes from.”
“Initially, I had started doing theater, where the actor has a direct relationship to the audience. So, moving into film and television disconnected me. When you do a film, you start to get the character, and then it disappears for a year before it's released and you get feedback.”
“One of the reasons I do like 'Cult' is that it plays along the same vibe as the movie 'Seven,' which I absolutely love. There was a period of cinema in the mid-'90s that I was a huge fan of, with 'Heat' and 'Seven' and the Tarantino era. If I've ever been fanatical, it was about those films, back in the day.”

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