Matthew Scully Quotes & Sayings

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13 most famous Matthew Scully quotes and sayings (author). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Matthew Scully Quotes
“Religious people... hold a kind and merciful view of life, the faith of the broken, the hounded, the hopeless. Yet too often, they will not extend that spirit to our fellow creatures.”
“An environmentalist can oppose factory farming because it's reckless stewardship. A conservative can oppose factory farming because it is destructive to small farmers and to the decent ethic of husbandry those farmers live by. A religious person can oppose factory farming because it is degrading to both man and animal - an offense to God.”
Matthew Scully Quotes
“Best, I'd advise, to give up all animal products obtained by cruel methods. There are some fine companies nowadays offering leather substitutes.”
Matthew Scully Quotes
“Factory farming, like comparable evils throughout history, depends for its existence upon concealment. It depends on people either not noticing or willfully averting their gaze.”
Matthew Scully Quotes
“I did attend Catholic schools up to the ninth grade, and I admire much in the Catholic Church.”
Matthew Scully Quotes
“Factory farming came about from a moral race to the bottom, with corporations vying against each other to produce more and bigger animals with less care at lower cost.”
“Veal, by definition, is the product of a sick, anemic, deliberately malnourished calf, a newborn dragged away from his mother in the first hours of life. Veal calves are dealt the harshest of punishments for the least essential of meats.”
Matthew Scully Quotes
“'Cost-saver' in industrial livestock agriculture may usually be taken to mean 'moral shortcut.'”
Matthew Scully Quotes
“The truth is that at the White House and in Congress, you are as likely to find sympathy for animal issues among Republicans as among Democrats.”
Matthew Scully Quotes
“In the summer or fall of 1974, I read some books about factory farming, and decided that I wanted no part of it.”

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