Meg Cabot Quotes & Sayings

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44 most famous Meg Cabot quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 58 year old American author born on Feb 1, 1967.

Meg Cabot Quotes
“If you're writing a screenplay, you need to be prepared to let go: there's a good chance the words you write aren't going to be the ones that end up on screen.”
Meg Cabot Quotes
“There's nothing secret about it. Everyone knows that I am waiting for my real parents, the king and queen, to come restore me to my rightful throne.”
Meg Cabot Quotes
“Save your rejections so that later when you are famous you can show them to people and laugh.”
Meg Cabot Quotes
“I actually love writing for teens best. I had such an awful time in my own teen years - I love having the chance to relive them through my fiction.”
“Writing used to be my hobby, but now that it's my job, I have no hobby - except watching TV and laying around the pool reading 'U.S. Weekly.' I have tried many hobbies, such as knitting, Pilates, ballet, yoga, and guitar, but none of them have taken.”
Meg Cabot Quotes
“This is how many people become artists, musicians, writers, computer programmers, record-holding athletes, scientists... by spending time alone practicing what they love.”
Meg Cabot Quotes
“When I was a kid, I had a couple of really good friends, like some really good best friends, but I was really shy other than that.”
Meg Cabot Quotes
“When you feel like an outsider - for whatever reason - you spend a lot of time alone.”
“My family, they're story tellers. My mom is Irish, and my dad is Italian. In my family, we weren't allowed to watch TV while we ate - we had to sit around the table and tell stories about our day.”
Meg Cabot Quotes
“One of the biggest motivations for me with writing my books is to offer girls some escapism, especially girls who really need it, like I did.”

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