Meg Cabot Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)
Meg Cabot quotes and sayings page 4 (58 year old author). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 44 we have for her.
“I don't give books as gifts. Books are extremely personal, and I would hate to give someone a book that they don't like or want, because it would break my heart if they didn't read it.”
“I think if I hadn't been a writer, I'd have been a teacher like my dad. He was a college professor, and one of my greatest regrets is that he passed away before I was able to prove to him that I wasn't going to be stuck working at Rax Roast Beef for the rest of my life!”
“Remember, if you don't feel passionate about the characters and subject of your story, your readers won't either.”
“Usually writer's block arises when something is wrong internally with the story.”
“I used to draw and illustrate, but I don't do that anymore because I just like to write. I like to leave the illustrations to actual professional illustrators.”
“Strong female characters - even if they don't necessarily make the same decisions that we might - make such great narrative material, especially when there's an equally strong male character in the mix.”
“All of my characters are a little bit based on people I know in real life. You know when you do that you have to change the character a little bit in case your friend or your relative reads the book, because you don't want them to know you wrote about them... They might get mad.”
“Even though I loved to write, I never liked English lit. class very much. I think it ruins books when you dissect them too much. I liked my art classes best.”
“I don't have kids, but in many ways I feel I've had them already. I don't want to say I raised my brothers - that sounds too strong - but actually I do feel like that a bit.”
“I love for the latest on fashion, style, and celebrity gossip. I also love for New York celebrity sightings, and and for book news.”
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