Meg Cabot Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Meg Cabot quotes and sayings page 3 (58 year old author). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 44 we have for her.
“I was an unhappy child, and that puts me off having a child of my own.”
“My original inspiration was my mom: a few years after the death of my dad, she started dating one my teachers!”
“We can all agree that first loves can be a scary thing, and that growing up is hard to do.”
“I really liked drama and being in plays, so when I was playing a character onstage and I could act like somebody else, then I wasn't scared or nervous, but I didn't like meeting new people when I had to be myself. That was scary.”
“One of the reasons that I think I do love to write is because I did have a difficult childhood and not so great teenage years. It always helped me escape from my problems.”
“When I did see the story of Persephone, I was really drawn to it. Persephone, the goddess of spring, was kept from Olympus by her mother, Demeter, because Demeter was very worried that the gods of Olympus would do something terrible to her.”
“No matter how nice the company one might be with, however, it is never pleasant to have a rifle pointed at one's back.”
“My favorite book of all time is Cold Comfort Farm, by Stella Gibbons.”
“Writing is a workout, just like going for a run!”
“We were a very funny family. Humour was the tool with which my brother and I tried to get attention. We were always trying to be the funniest.”
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