Mel Gibson Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Mel Gibson quotes and sayings page 6 (69 year old actor). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 63 we have for him.

Mel Gibson Quotes
“I'll always continue to work. I've never much depended on anyone but myself, as far as that goes.”
Mel Gibson Quotes
“I'm always writing. There is always a story brewing in my head.”
Mel Gibson Quotes
“Above all, film is a business... Independence is a really cool thing as you can be a bit more bold, and take a few more chances with what you do.”
Mel Gibson Quotes
“I could easily not act again. It's not a problem.”
Mel Gibson Quotes
“I think digital will displace film, yes. We're talking about digital as a thing of the future, but I'm afraid that it's here.”
Mel Gibson Quotes
“It's amazing how powerful a piece of work can be and how it can influence people and change. It's pretty interesting.”
Mel Gibson Quotes
“I do moderate exercise, and I try to eat pretty well, and I think it has an effect on me.”
Mel Gibson Quotes
“I don't think the audience always listens to the critics. That's been proven time and time again.”
Mel Gibson Quotes
“I just don't do anything fun anymore. But, that's dying, isn't it? I mean, you die in stages, right? You let things go in pieces.”
Mel Gibson Quotes
“Writing is a hard gig, and it's hard to convey a lot. That's why scripts tend to be a little bit overwritten.”

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