Mortimer Adler Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Mortimer Adler quotes and sayings page 3 (philosopher). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 43 we have.

Mortimer Adler Quotes
“Think how different human societies would be if they were based on love rather than justice. But no such societies have ever existed on earth.”
Mortimer Adler Quotes
“In English we must use adjectives to distinguish the different kinds of love for which the ancients had distinct names.”
Mortimer Adler Quotes
“Aristotle uses a mother's love for her child as the prime example of love or friendship.”
Mortimer Adler Quotes
“Friendship is a very taxing and arduous form of leisure activity.”
Mortimer Adler Quotes
“Work is toil: what one does only to earn a living. If it gives pleasure, it is leisure.”
Mortimer Adler Quotes
“Ask others about themselves, at the same time, be on guard not to talk too much about yourself.”
Mortimer Adler Quotes
“Love wishes to perpetuate itself. Love wishes for immortality.”
Mortimer Adler Quotes
“Erotic or sexual love can truly be love if it is not selfishly sexual or lustful.”
Mortimer Adler Quotes
“The philosopher ought never to try to avoid the duty of making up his mind.”
Mortimer Adler Quotes
“Men value things in three ways: as useful, as pleasant or sources of pleasure, and as excellent, or as intrinsically admirable or honorable.”

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