Nathan Bedford Forrest Quotes & Sayings

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8 most famous Nathan Bedford Forrest quotes and sayings (soldier).

“We have but one flag, one country; let us stand together. We may differ in color, but not in sentiment. Many things have been said about me which are wrong, and which white and black persons here, who stood by me through the war, can contradict.”
Nathan Bedford Forrest Quotes
“I am not an enemy of the Negro. We want him here among us; he is the only laboring class we have.”
Nathan Bedford Forrest Quotes
“Get there first with the most.”
Nathan Bedford Forrest Quotes
“War means fighting, and fighting means killing.”
Nathan Bedford Forrest Quotes
“No damn man kills me and lives.”
Nathan Bedford Forrest Quotes
“I ended the war a horse ahead.”
Nathan Bedford Forrest Quotes
“Never stand and take a charge... charge them too.”
Nathan Bedford Forrest Quotes
“I've got no respect for any young man who won't join the colors.”

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