Nicole Polizzi Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Nicole Polizzi quotes and sayings page 2 (celebrity). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 43 we have.
“Just want to set the record straight. I'm single and I'm not going to get married!”
“Some exfoliates have rocks in them and it makes your skin really smooth, and cat litter is a good substitute. I haven't broke out at all yet!”
“Study hard, but party harder.”
“I like a guy who makes me laugh, doesn't care about the fame, the show, he just likes me for me, he likes Nicole.”
“It's important to be true to yourself and your vision.”
“I'm trying to build an empire, because after this, I cannot get a normal job.”
“I don't go tanning anymore because Obama put a 10 percent tax on tanning. McCain would never put a 10 percent tax on tanning. Because he's pale and would probably want to be tan.”
“Ten years from now, I would like to see myself successful as a brand, like Jessica Simpson, with babies running around and a beautiful husband and my own reality show.”
“We can't have cellphones, TV, radio or the Internet. If the president died, we'd have no idea. There's no normalcy. It's just like prison, with cameras.”
“I'll always be this crazy, fun person, but when it's time to get married, I'm going to be an amazing wife.”
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