Niki Lauda Quotes & Sayings

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13 most famous Niki Lauda quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 75 year old Austrian athlete born on Feb 5, 1949.

Niki Lauda Quotes
“Vienna is the gate to Eastern Europe.”
Niki Lauda Quotes
“Giving up is something a Lauda doesn't do.”
Niki Lauda Quotes
“The alliance with air Berlin is attractive for me. I can use the whole sales network of the air Berlin and 24 percent of my own airline at air Berlin sold.”
Niki Lauda Quotes
“I always go extreme ways.”
Niki Lauda Quotes
“Running an airline is a normal job. Racing is more.”
Niki Lauda Quotes
“Airlines go in the long run at the competition to reason. For the passenger the competition is good, because each competitor tries to undercut the other one.”
Niki Lauda Quotes
“The crucial point is always the own cost structure. Therefore I created a Low Cost alliance with air Berlin.”
Niki Lauda Quotes
“The guest gets at least as much service with us as with some established airline, if not even more. And at by far a favourable price. Thus the passengers remain gladly with us.”
Niki Lauda Quotes
“I want to bring passengers on my airplanes to present to them my product.”
Niki Lauda Quotes
“We now fly with an airbus, which has 210 seats, six times the week to Palma to the spider of the air Berlin.”

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