Olympia Snowe Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Olympia Snowe quotes and sayings page 2 (78 year old politician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 24 we have for her.

Olympia Snowe Quotes
“Two truths are all too often overshadowed in today's political discourse: Public service is a most honorable pursuit, and so is bipartisanship.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“Unfortunately, money in politics is an insidious thing - and a loophole in our campaign finance system was taken advantage of with money going to existing or new 527 groups with the sole purpose of influencing the election.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“In a politically diverse nation, only by finding that common ground can we achieve results for the common good.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“My concept of government's role in people's lives is that it is limited but legitimate, and essential when people have nowhere else to turn.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“Indeed, we must foster cost-saving competition. And that means joining the marketplace of other industrialized countries - not just for the manufacturers who sell drugs, but for consumers as well.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“It is time that we provide clarity for our seniors, informing them of the services available that will lower the costs of their prescription drugs and strengthen the overall integrity of the Medicare entitlement.”
“Joining the Bipartisan Policy Center is a natural extension of my efforts to achieve results throughout my tenure in Congress, and it provides an ideal means for developing strategies that can garner the broad support necessary to achieve real solutions to the challenges confronting our nation.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“One difficulty in making the Senate work the way it was intended is that America's electorate is increasingly divided into red and blue states, with lawmakers representing just one color or the other.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“What is the purpose of public service? It's to solve problems for the people you represent and certainly in the United States Senate, thinking about your state and thinking about your country as well.”
“When my first husband died, what I tried to do is to sort of, you know, try to bring some rationale to the circumstance and think about worse circumstances, and also open the door to what other women experienced when all of a sudden they were left alone. And particularly if they had children.”

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