Olympia Snowe Quotes & Sayings

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24 most famous Olympia Snowe quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 78 year old American politician born on Feb 21, 1947.

“What happens is that, you know, on Mondays, at least in the Senate, you know, Monday night we'd have what you'd call a bed-check vote. Just to get, you know, the machinery of the Senate up and running so they can start the committee process; on Tuesday morning, things go. By Thursday, you know, jet fumes, the smell of jet fumes.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“In today's world, it is no longer unimaginable to think that business can operate - and even thrive - in an environmentally-friendly manner.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“I represent what I think is a traditional Republican... a limited government, fiscal responsibility, strong national defense, individual freedom and liberty.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“What motivated me to dedicate myself to public service for nearly two-thirds of my life was the chance to produce results for those people who entrusted me to be their voice and their champion.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“I have worked for three decades as a staunch advocate of building a 'big tent' party that includes both pro-choice and pro-life Republicans.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“I've never backed down from a fight and I relish a good debate.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“At an unprecedented time with the worst attack ever on our soil, our President displayed extraordinary determination, leadership and resolve when history was thrust upon him and the United States.”
“I understand why so many Americans are fed up with government. The 112th Congress was almost universally derided as the worst ever. It was the most polarized body since the end of Reconstruction, according to one study, and I grew embarrassed by its partisan bickering, inactivity, and refusal to address the vital challenges facing America.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“We recognized in 1996 that, with progress in the field of genetics accelerating at a breathtaking pace, we need to ensure that advances in treatment and prevention of disease do not constitute a new basis for discrimination.”
Olympia Snowe Quotes
“Most breast cancer-related deaths can be prevented through simple and painless preventive measures. A late diagnosis can result in more serious, long-term consequences.”

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