Paul Samuelson Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Paul Samuelson quotes and sayings page 2 (economist). These are the last 5 out of 15 quotes we have.

Paul Samuelson Quotes
“Funeral by funeral, theory advances.”
Paul Samuelson Quotes
“It is not easy to get rich in Las Vegas, at Churchill Downs, or at the local Merrill Lynch office.”
Paul Samuelson Quotes
“Asia's governments come in two broad varieties: young, fragile democracies - and older, fragile authoritarian regimes.”
Paul Samuelson Quotes
“Sooner or later the Internet will become profitable. It's an old story played before by canals, railroads and automobiles.”
Paul Samuelson Quotes
“Self-deception ultimately explains Japan's plight. The Japanese have never accepted that change is in their interest - and not merely a response to U.S. criticism.”

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