Ray Winstone Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Ray Winstone quotes and sayings page 3 (68 year old actor). These are the last 10 out of 30 quotes we have for him.

“In terms of directors, great actors make directors - Gary Oldman was great to work with, for me; Tim Roth, too. You work with Scorsese and Spielberg and they were wonderful directors, but for me, working with actor/directors is special.”
Ray Winstone Quotes
“I love to be the lead, but you can't always be the lead.”
Ray Winstone Quotes
“'Once Upon A Time In America' is one of the cleverest films of all time, because you can get out of it whatever you want to get out of it.”
Ray Winstone Quotes
“We don't have nannies and all that, we look after our own kids. It's just what you do. If you want a big family that's just what you do, isn't it?”
Ray Winstone Quotes
“I just love westerns. One of my favourite actors is John Wayne, probably one of the most underrated actors there's ever been. He's quite an incredible actor.”
“I think TV is all about caring, and if you don't care about a character in a drama or a person when they get voted out of a reality show, it's bad TV. I wouldn't care if you dropped a bomb on the 'Big Brother' house.”
“I'm a lucky boy! I could be holding a gun in Afghanistan. There's boys out there doing what they've got to do, and there's people digging holes, and there's people driving buses. And there's nothing wrong with that.”
“I'm away so much I've had to learn to cook, and I find it relaxing after filming. I make stews and liver and bacon, and an Italian mate taught me how to make a mean puttanesca sauce.”
“Well, you create your own persona, don't you? And you have to live with that. But the people that I meet, they don't think that I'm a lunatic. And if they do, then that's OK, because it means that I'm playing the parts all right.”
Ray Winstone Quotes
“Working with Scorsese was an absolute dream, and one of my favourite ever jobs was 'Beowulf' because it was just pure acting. Your imagination explodes as you try to imagine you're fighting a dragon or whatever.”

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