Ray Winstone Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Ray Winstone quotes and sayings page 2 (68 year old actor). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 30 we have for him.

Ray Winstone Quotes
“Hollywood don't always pay a lot of money. Because we're English they think we're cheap!”
Ray Winstone Quotes
“I was kicked out of drama school in 1976, aged 18, for vandalising the headmistress's tyres, after being there for less than a year.”
“For me, 'The Crystal Skull' was something I'd never done before, and I loved every minute of it. Working with Harrison Ford as well - he's a cowboy from Montana, the most unassuming man you'll ever work with, fabulous guy, and I loved it.”
Ray Winstone Quotes
“Well, for me, my favourite 'Indiana Jones' is 'The Last Crusade,' because you get tears in your eyes when you see the old guard standing at the end, so that's my favourite one.”
“I remember years ago I was an extra, just an extra, and instead of asking me to move - he was a big fella - the director just picked me up and moved me. And I headbutted him. You know, he shouldn't have done that, but I shouldn't have done that either. I just done it.”
“I'm quite happy with the body of work that I've done, and I've done some really good work over the years that I'm proud of. I'm proud of some of the people that I've worked with, been lucky to have worked with.”
Ray Winstone Quotes
“I've never met a politician I haven't wanted to walk away from, and I've yet to hear a politician speak and actually believe the words coming out of his mouth.”
“On every job you do, you've got to raise your game. My ambition is to just get better and better every job you do - you should never stop trying to get better. You have to teach yourself new things - I don't think you necessarily learn them from other people because you have your own style of doing things, but hopefully you get better.”
Ray Winstone Quotes
“The thing about villains is most people play them with the shifty eyes and all that, whereas I play them as good guys. 'Cos everyone thinks they're a goodie, don't they?”
Ray Winstone Quotes
“The original 'Edge of Darkness' was fantastic, a fabulous series. It was of its time, but this film version shows that times really haven't changed.”

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