Robbie Williams Quotes & Sayings (Page 7)
Robbie Williams quotes and sayings page 7 (51 year old musician). Here's quote # 61 through 70 out of the 82 we have for him.
“I come from the tradition of a big Irish family that loves to sing. I love to perform.”
“I'd make a better U.S. president than George W. Bush. Bush is an idiot. I'm a better public speaker than him. It makes you wonder about the voters.”
“I've had to make friends with an awful lot of bad fashion choices.”
“Perhaps I'm absolutely bonkers and don't know it. Perhaps I'm psychotically mental.”
“You know, I am a mainstream person with mainstream tastes, and I want to hear the hits.”
“There used to be a huge hole in my life that I wrote many albums about. I didn't realise it was a wife-and-daughter-shaped hole. They've plugged that gap. Everything I do, I do for them now. When daddy goes to work, it's daddy going to work, not Rob going to work. I feel like there's a purpose to everything.”
“It would be great to see somebody like Kid Rock kissing a man. But I'm sure that he wouldn't like the prospect of it put to him, and I won't even go there with Eminem.”
“I don't have anything that I treasure at all. They're just things. I tend to buy an awful lot of stuff, like clothes and things. But I wouldn't be bothered if my house burns down tomorrow.”
“I don't think it's important to be that good at singing. I think people who are good at singing sing backing vocals for pop stars. It's about how you project. I wouldn't consider myself to be a singer.”
“I feel like I'm always having to justify why I haven't kept in touch with anyone from the old days in Stoke-on-Trent, but I'm like that with anybody. I don't let anybody in. I just rely on myself.”
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