Robbie Williams Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Robbie Williams quotes and sayings page 3 (51 year old musician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 82 we have for him.

Robbie Williams Quotes
“I have only one ambition, which is to be famous.”
Robbie Williams Quotes
“I'm conscious of age, but I'm more suspicious of it than anything.”
Robbie Williams Quotes
“I show off - I'm a very good show off. It's what I do, it's what I'm good at.”
Robbie Williams Quotes
“I've never, ever, raised a fist to anybody in my life.”
Robbie Williams Quotes
“I still find trusting people quite hard. I've got a couple of mates that I do let in, but that's it. It's something I've got to sort out - I cut people off.”
Robbie Williams Quotes
“My dad sent Frank Sinatra a dollar bill to autograph, and when it came back, signed, he had it framed: it was always up on the wall in whatever flat we were in.”
Robbie Williams Quotes
“Do I think I'm a national treasure? I don't see why not? I don't see why I shouldn't be. I'm a good lad, really.”
Robbie Williams Quotes
“If you want to sell the most records, duet with me. If you need someone to come in and bless your record sales, I'm your man.”
“The problem is, I don't think I've got too much to offer at the minute. I'm busy working on myself. This sounds like real therapy talk, but it's like, you've got to be happy with yourself before you can go out and get yourself a girl.”
Robbie Williams Quotes
“There aren't many great adverts for marriage or parenthood. It always looks so stressful, and that's what I've been scared of. What you don't realise is how much you're going to get back.”

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