Robert Moog Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Robert Moog quotes and sayings page 2 (deceased inventor born on May 23, 1934). These are the last 9 out of 19 quotes we have for him.

Robert Moog Quotes
“I'm finishing building a house and setting up a shop to build custom electronical musical instruments.”
“One always has to remember these days where the garbage pail is, because it's so easy to make sounds, and to put sounds together into something that appears to be music, but it's just as hard as it always was to make good music.”
“There are confirmed stories of people who can break instruments and cause them to fail by walking in a room. I'm the opposite - I can walk into a room and something will work better than it is supposed to.”
Robert Moog Quotes
“I had been building electronic musical instruments since I was a kid.”
Robert Moog Quotes
“My transition from scientist to entrepreneur? Some would say that I still haven't made that transition.”
Robert Moog Quotes
“The point is that I don't design stuff for myself. I'm a toolmaker. I design things that other people want to use.”
Robert Moog Quotes
“What inspires me is not so much the music as the opportunity to interact with composers. I think that has driven everything I've done.”
Robert Moog Quotes
“By the time I got to building synthesizers, I had perhaps 20 years' experience building electronic musical instruments.”
“Back in the '40s and early '50s, building simple electronic projects was a popular hobby of many people. Back then, you could buy, you know, a few parts and - with tubes and build something on your kitchen table, and it would actually work.”

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