Ruth Glick Quotes & Sayings
26 most famous Ruth Glick quotes and sayings (writer). These are the first 10 quotes we have.
“If I'm not writing a book, I'm doing promotion for a book. One thing I love to do is go off with my husband to a great hotel in a beautiful location. I like to find a spot where I can sit and write and look up at beautiful scenery and take breaks along the beach or the lake. I write my 10 pages. Then we go off and play for the rest of the day.”
“After my husband spell-checks one of my manuscripts, my editor says, 'It's been Normanized.'”
“I do a lot of recipe creation. Translation: cooking tempting dishes that must be eaten.”
“I read mostly science-fiction and fantasy when I was a teenager, and I was always drawn to stories where the characters had telepathic powers.”
“My heroes are always ready, willing, and able to execute moves necessary to get themselves out of deep trouble.”
“Nobody's life is as romantic as it is in fiction.”
“Not surprisingly, the chief way self-published authors get the word out about their books is through the Internet.”
“'Nowhere Man' embodies one of my favorite themes - the hero completely out of his element. It's really near and dear to my heart.”
“People are in a hurry. They don't want to look at a long list of ingredients. Cooking is terribly hard work.”
“The hero of 'Dark Powers' can touch murder victims and read their last memories.”
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