Ruth Wilson Quotes & Sayings

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23 most famous Ruth Wilson quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 43 year old English actress born on Jan 13, 1982.

Ruth Wilson Quotes
“Cleaning isn't all that interesting to me. I'm disorganized.”
Ruth Wilson Quotes
“Every actor turns everything round to their character.”
“For me, there is a stigma attached to playing beautiful parts. They are often empty characters whom the action happens around. I'm more drawn to characters with a complex internal life, who have a burning frustration underneath that keeps them going.”
Ruth Wilson Quotes
“The difficult thing for me is going to a event and having to be dressed up and being judged for what you wear. People care so much about that these days.”
“There's always been a religious strain in me. I can't get rid of it. I don't want to get rid of it. I'm not involved in a church, but I understand that impulse to believe in something that's never going to betray you.”
Ruth Wilson Quotes
“I don't really plan. I just see what happens.”
Ruth Wilson Quotes
“I'm drawn to damaged, complicated characters.”
Ruth Wilson Quotes
“My parents are desperate, they keep saying: 'Please stop doing these angsty roles; make it easier for us.' So, yeah, I'd love to do some comedy.”
Ruth Wilson Quotes
“I simply want to take a break and catch my breath. But I also think that, sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is to deliberately keep some time free and see what the world throws at you.”
“There's such a huge link with fashion, with front covers of magazines and selling products, but that's not what you go into the job for, and yet you're persuaded that's what you have to do to create the opportunities for yourself.”

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