Sean Hannity Quotes & Sayings

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30 most famous Sean Hannity quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 63 year old American writer born on Dec 30, 1961.

Sean Hannity Quotes
“One of the best lessons I learned early is that not everything in life is about you. It is about service. If you want trips and excessive gifts, then don't get into public service.”
Sean Hannity Quotes
“Governor, why wouldn't anyone want to say the Pledge of Allegiance, unless they detested their own country or were ignorant of its greatness?”
“One of my producers said this business is like a hamster on that little wheel thing that goes around and around. You may have a great day and get great ratings, but then you've got another show to do - whatever moment of success or happiness you have you've got to keep grinding it out for the next day.”
Sean Hannity Quotes
“I believe in faith, family and country. I really keep it that simple.”
Sean Hannity Quotes
“It doesn't say anywhere in the Constitution this idea of the separation of church and state.”
Sean Hannity Quotes
“I am a total loser, in every aspect of my life. I rarely go out. I have a great family and we spend all our time together. I work hard and play hard with them.”
Sean Hannity Quotes
“Can we pray for the re-election of George Bush?”
Sean Hannity Quotes
“I think anybody that gives their opinion in a confident way everyday is going to be criticized.”
Sean Hannity Quotes
“I was born to argue... I don't know why. I mean, from arguing with my teachers and, on occasions, my parents. I think I've mastered the art of argument at a fairly young age.”
Sean Hannity Quotes
“I am a total loser, in every aspect of my life. I rarely go out.”

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