Shane Smith Quotes & Sayings
47 most famous Shane Smith quotes and sayings (journalist). These are the first 10 quotes we have.
“The human race is facing all kinds of problems, and all we are doing is pointing fingers and saying, 'Your interpretation of the problem is different from my interpretations of the problem.'”
“The greatest propaganda coup of the American Right has been to convince its citizens that we are in the grip of a liberal conspiracy.”
“People think because 'Vice' is irreverent and because we're crazy, we're stunt journalists. You know what? I don't actually care.”
“I don't care if I die - look, I'm old - but you want your kids to have good times and a good life.”
“If you look not just at the Arab Spring, but at what I call the 'Youth Spring' that has started in Europe, young people are starting to find a voice, and they are not looking to the traditional media to reflect that.”
“Gen Y consume most of their media online and mobile. Gen Y, as the Baby Boomers drop off, are the largest cohort with the largest amount of money - despite the fact that half of them are unemployed.”
“When you're 18, 19, you want to live fast and leave a beautiful corpse behind.”
“American media has just become talk radio, incredibly partisan name-calling and op-eds.”
“I came to America from Canada because Canada is stultifyingly boring and incredibly hypocritical.”
“Once you have a certain amount of money, it ceases to be an issue. I'd rather put my cultural imprint on the fabric of life. After money, all you want is immortality.”
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