Shane Warne Quotes & Sayings

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36 most famous Shane Warne quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 54 year old Australian athlete born on Sep 13, 1969.

Shane Warne Quotes
“Being in love with somebody is a wonderful feeling.”
Shane Warne Quotes
“To me, cricket is a simple game. Keep it simple and just go out and play.”
Shane Warne Quotes
“I think when two people get together, their past is their past. Their reputations are reputations. You can only take someone the way you find them... on face value.”
“There are a lot more tabloids in England that like to report other things in your life, some of which are true and some of which are exaggerated and untrue. There have been stories where people claim to have seen me in one place and I wasn't even in that city then. The Aussie press is more judgmental and moralistic.”
Shane Warne Quotes
“I just play because I love playing and I try and take as many wickets as I can.”
Shane Warne Quotes
“I'm proud of what I've achieved in cricket, as once I didn't think I was good enough.”
Shane Warne Quotes
“All my coaches tell me that I have been under achieving.”
“The first thing is to be patient, which is probably the hardest thing to do. Don't worry if blokes are whacking you out of the park because you still have the opportunity to get him out next ball, even if it's not the same ball.”
“My life was falling apart and then to come out and play and have my best ever - 40 wickets, 250 runs... But the only reason I could do that was because of the way I thought and I think I'm pretty strong mentally. I think I am anyway, pretty strong to get over whatever it is.”
Shane Warne Quotes
“I still eat pizzas, I still like pies, I still have spaghetti hoops for breakfast... but it's in moderation now.”

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