Shawn Johnson Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Shawn Johnson quotes and sayings page 3 (33 year old athlete). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 65 we have for her.

Shawn Johnson Quotes
“My approach to gymnastics in Beijing was heavily based on the amount of difficulty I could do.”
Shawn Johnson Quotes
“People only see gymnastics on TV and in the Olympics at such an extreme. So it can be intimidating.”
“I'm pleased to say my knee feels a lot better. It's still not back to normal, and I don't know if it ever will be, but I'm learning to deal with it instead of expecting it to be like it was before.”
Shawn Johnson Quotes
“My parents- they've been my biggest influences and supporters since day one. They teach me every day that happiness comes from within and not from something outside of your heart.”
“In some ways the ACL tear was a blessing. I had hesitated to return to elite gymnastics after the 2008 Olympics. I told myself I had already accomplished so much, and the road was just going to get harder if I continued.”
Shawn Johnson Quotes
“I had surgery to repair the ACL in February 2010 and was back in the gym by June, but rushed things too quickly and ended up re-tearing my MCL in September.”
Shawn Johnson Quotes
“I had a constant fear, a constant little doubt in my mind: 'OK, I'm getting ready to do my standing back full on beam and I might re-tear my ACL.'”
Shawn Johnson Quotes
“I have a lot of expectations and a lot of goals I want to fulfill, but the biggest dream is still to make the Olympic team for London.”
Shawn Johnson Quotes
“Something my mom taught me when I was little is that everything happens for a reason.”
Shawn Johnson Quotes
“We're taught at such a young age that you can always be better and that you're never perfect and that you're never good enough.”

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