Shelley Fabares Quotes & Sayings
15 most famous Shelley Fabares quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's an 81 year old American actress born on Jan 19, 1944.
“We need to appreciate how precious life is.”
“I was dying but suddenly had a second chance at living.”
“I had to have a complete liver transplant.”
“They had to match blood type and meet all sorts of things I don't know about.”
“This is the kind of situation that can tear people apart. It tears at the fabric of your soul and can certainly tear at your marriage and ours has gotten only stronger.”
“I had to have a complete liver transplant. I waited with a beeper for a year and 10 months to get that gift.”
“I was not a Mouseketeer, but a lot of people think I was.”
“I waited with a beeper for a year and 10 months to get that gift.”
“I can't think of my life without Donna Reed. She has been such an enormous influence on my life.”
“It's a terrifying thing to be perhaps 16 or 17 and feel like you are a failure and a has-been.”
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