Shelley Hennig Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Shelley Hennig quotes and sayings page 2 (38 year old actress). These are the last 6 out of 16 quotes we have for her.

Shelley Hennig Quotes
“I'm actually loving the soundtrack to 'The Secret Circle' that our music supervisor Liza Richardson puts together, like Washed Out and Cults, but my favorite band is Bootstraps.”
Shelley Hennig Quotes
“My favorite song is Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You' because my brother used to sing it to me as loud as he could. Annoying then, favorite memory now.”
Shelley Hennig Quotes
“People called me 'Slim' and 'Daddy Long Legs.' My best friend Martine named me Daddy Long Legs after she saw me running track. She was making fun of me!”
Shelley Hennig Quotes
“I grew up in Louisiana - a little suburb right outside of New Orleans - and I wouldn't have it any other way!”
Shelley Hennig Quotes
“I love to eat. I'm from New Orleans. I eat like nobody's business. So to find a workout that I actually look forward to is a lifesaver.”
Shelley Hennig Quotes
“My favorite movie is 'Closer' and 'Love Story.'”

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