Shonda Rhimes Quotes & Sayings

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10 most famous Shonda Rhimes quotes and sayings. She's a 55 year old American producer born on Jan 13, 1970.

Shonda Rhimes Quotes
“I actually like being alone. I spend most evenings reading and taking long baths.”
Shonda Rhimes Quotes
“I think I'm most proud of the fact that I have figured out how to exist as both a creative person and artist, and a businesswoman and manager. Because those two things do not go together.”
“I've learned this is a very long marriage doing a television show. I like the people that I work with to be people I enjoy, so you want to cast people who are as excited and enthusiastic as you are.”
Shonda Rhimes Quotes
“When the press began asking me for interviews, I freaked out. My instinct is to hide.”
Shonda Rhimes Quotes
“When people show you who they are, believe them. I carry that with me a lot. It has served me well.”
Shonda Rhimes Quotes
“Writing for television is completely different from movie scriptwriting. A movie is all about the director's vision, but television is a writer's medium.”
Shonda Rhimes Quotes
“Calling a show a 'guilty pleasure' is like saying 'I'm embarrassed to say I watch it but I can't stop.' That's not a compliment.”
Shonda Rhimes Quotes
“I don't understand why people don't understand that the world of TV should look like the world outside of TV.”
Shonda Rhimes Quotes
“Most of the women I saw on TV didn't seem like people I actually knew. They felt like ideas of what women are.”
Shonda Rhimes Quotes
“You can't tell stories and really walk in someone's shoes and not have a love for them, even if they're doing horrible things.”

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