Skeet Ulrich Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Skeet Ulrich quotes and sayings page 4 (55 year old actor). These are the last 5 out of 35 quotes we have for him.

Skeet Ulrich Quotes
“My problem with interviews, one day I'll think one thing, and the next day I'll think the exact opposite.”
Skeet Ulrich Quotes
“People said, That's great for your career, but what have you done? I kept feeling I had to defend myself.”
Skeet Ulrich Quotes
“The more you understand me, the less characters I can play.”
Skeet Ulrich Quotes
“I think when someone becomes an actor, people say, Aw, you could see it in him when he was little. But I think you can see that quality in every little kid.”
Skeet Ulrich Quotes
“What's the classical moment that every actor or actress deals with? A tragic thing. They get that blank, faraway look in their eyes. But in life, it's not that way.”

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