Skeet Ulrich Quotes & Sayings
35 most famous Skeet Ulrich quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 55 year old American actor born on Jan 20, 1970.
“Any time I got in emotional turmoil, I felt sick all the time, like at any minute I would die.”
“I get to play a killer next.”
“Ultimately, it's a pretty confusing moment.”
“As an actor, you want to keep your demons to some extent, but you also have to exorcise them so you can use them instead of them using you.”
“I think I'm extremely vulnerable and that in some ways I seek out rejection. Never feeling like you're getting that pat on the back from dad is probably at the heart of that.”
“I didn't even go to my prom. I didn't have one date in high school.”
“I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin, especially when people start questioning me.”
“I think people could justify labeling me if they saw a pattern in what I do, but right now that's impossible.”
“There's been a boiling down of real emotion into a set pattern instead of individualism.”
“I was nicknamed Skeeter in Little League because I was small and fast, like a mosquito flying across the outfield.”
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