Stephen Cole Kleene Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Stephen Cole Kleene quotes and sayings page 2 (mathematician). These are the last 9 out of 19 quotes we have.

Stephen Cole Kleene Quotes
“I went to Princeton from Amherst, where I split my interests between mathematics and philosophy.”
Stephen Cole Kleene Quotes
“I'm sure Church got some of his ideas from this trip to Europe.”
Stephen Cole Kleene Quotes
“It wasn't until my second year that I got to actually work with Church.”
Stephen Cole Kleene Quotes
“The job in Wisconsin was the first genuine offer of an academic job in a university which I received.”
Stephen Cole Kleene Quotes
“Well, I think Barkley and I were the only two who were working with Church for a Ph.D.”
Stephen Cole Kleene Quotes
“Here at Wisconsin we didn't get an undergraduate course in mathematical logic until the '60s.”
Stephen Cole Kleene Quotes
“I think Veblen had an interest in logic.”
“And what I learned in Church's course. He trained us intensively in his new system, which he was just developing. Two papers were presented. I think the second paper wasn't published until well after the course was finished.”
Stephen Cole Kleene Quotes
“For example, the philosophers who were interested in logic were probably rather logical for mathematicians. But the ASL got us together, so we could talk to each other and publish in the same journal.”

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