Taylor Caldwell Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Taylor Caldwell quotes and sayings page 5 (author). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 54 we have.

Taylor Caldwell Quotes
“I am not convinced that there is such a thing as a soul.”
Taylor Caldwell Quotes
“I converse with my dog through ESP.”
Taylor Caldwell Quotes
“I gratefully look forward to oblivion, but I must be sure of it.”
Taylor Caldwell Quotes
“I have anonymously helped many thousands.”
Taylor Caldwell Quotes
“I have written two medical novels. I have never studied medicine, never seen an operation.”
Taylor Caldwell Quotes
“I often reread books I have written.”
Taylor Caldwell Quotes
“I've always enjoyed poor health.”
Taylor Caldwell Quotes
“Money? I lost all taste for it.”
Taylor Caldwell Quotes
“My childhood was appalling.”
Taylor Caldwell Quotes
“My literary success meant nothing to me.”

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