Terry McMillan Quotes & Sayings

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22 most famous Terry McMillan quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 72 year old American author born on Oct 18, 1951.

Terry McMillan Quotes
“You know, one of my fears about living alone so long is that you get used to doing everything your own way.”
Terry McMillan Quotes
“Can't nothing make your life work if you ain't the architect.”
Terry McMillan Quotes
“I'm more interested in interpersonal relationships - between lovers families, siblings. That's why I write about how we treat each other.”
Terry McMillan Quotes
“I just believe that young people need to be able to learn how to write in their own voice. Just like a musician, you pride yourself on having your own distinct sound.”
Terry McMillan Quotes
“I don't let negative criticism, for the most part, bother me.”
Terry McMillan Quotes
“There is a price for popularity. Critics look for your weaknesses, your flaws, anything that makes the work seem like a fluke and not seem worthy of all the attention it's getting.”
Terry McMillan Quotes
“Few writers are willing to admit writing is autobiographical.”
Terry McMillan Quotes
“I try to create characters that I am fascinated by on some level or intrigued by or can't stand.”
Terry McMillan Quotes
“I'm not an angry woman. I'm not bitter.”
Terry McMillan Quotes
“People need to be re - sometimes we need to reinvent ourselves and then get reacquainted with our better selves.”

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