Texas Battle Quotes & Sayings

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8 most famous Texas Battle quotes and sayings. He's a 47 year old American actor born on Aug 9, 1976.

Texas Battle Quotes
“What interested me in doing 'Dragonball' was that it's a huge comic book series that has built a great fan base, and it's a great action movie!”
“I am extremely ecstatic about the presidency of Barack Obama. I think he is paving the way for young African-American men like myself. I have very high expectations for Obama, and I am extremely hopeful that he will bring great lasting change not just to America, but to the entire world.”
“I find that comedy is my specialty, but drama is slowly starting to move up in that rank. I've always liked playing a character that has depth and that I'm able to bring my own niche to.”
“I have always been a fan of the horror genre, since I was five or six years old, watching movies like 'Friday the 13th,' 'Pyscho' and 'A Nightmare on Elm Street.' Even though 'Death Valley' is comedic, it still has some of that horror feel as well. I never thought I would end up working in the horror genre, but I definitely enjoy doing it.”
“On 'B&B,' we shoot so fast and eight episodes a week, so we have to always be on our A-game. There's really no time to make certain adjustments. We usually shoot a scene in one take, maybe two or three only if needed.”
“The difference in working on a TV series and a movie comes down to one thing for me, and that is the travel. With 'The Bold and the Beautiful,' we are in one remote location, but with a movie, you get to travel, explore, and experience different things every day. But I've really enjoyed doing both.”
Texas Battle Quotes
“The only time I get afraid is when I am at the ocean. I get a little nervous when I'm in the water because I always feel like something is going to bite or snatch me.”
“To all my soap fans out there, my horror fanatics, comedy lovers, I will tell you this: 'Death Valley' is an action-packed drama, comedic, horror TV series that has a non-stop adventure in each episode. It's like a huge pot of Texas gumbo. If you like all four of those genres, then you'll love this show.”

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