Theophilus London Quotes & Sayings (Page 11)

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Theophilus London quotes and sayings page 11 (musician). Here's quote # 101 through 110 out of the 130 we have.

Theophilus London Quotes
“Let's see: I'm into a whole bunch of different people - Alexander Wang... that's my dude.”
Theophilus London Quotes
“Mixtapes are very personal, and they describe who you are better than an album sometimes.”
Theophilus London Quotes
“New York feels vibrant... It feels electric to walk the streets at night.”
Theophilus London Quotes
“On my early trips to London and Paris, in 2009, I started to shift to more wide-brimmed felt hats similar to Borsalinos and Stetsons.”
Theophilus London Quotes
“Punk music is rebellious.”
Theophilus London Quotes
“Shout-out to my dad - he influenced my style when I was 17.”
Theophilus London Quotes
“Style is a form of expression! It's what makes your character your character, to put it in laymen's term.”
Theophilus London Quotes
“The first time I really listened to an album and thought, 'This album is mine,' was Kanye's 'Late Registration.'”
Theophilus London Quotes
“The Gap has always been an iconic, go-to brand that reminds me of my childhood.”
Theophilus London Quotes
“The most time I spent home in 2009 was about a month.”

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