Thomas Paine Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)
Thomas Paine quotes and sayings page 5 (288 year old writer). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 66 we have for him.
“Every science has for its basis a system of principles as fixed and unalterable as those by which the universe is regulated and governed. Man cannot make principles; he can only discover them.”
“Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man.”
“An army of principles can penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot.”
“A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.”
“The strength and power of despotism consists wholly in the fear of resistance.”
“He who is the author of a war lets loose the whole contagion of hell and opens a vein that bleeds a nation to death.”
“It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.”
“Every religion is good that teaches man to be good; and I know of none that instructs him to be bad.”
“We can only reason from what is; we can reason on actualities, but not on possibilities.”
“The Vatican is a dagger in the heart of Italy.”
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