Tom Smothers Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Tom Smothers quotes and sayings page 2 (88 year old comedian). These are the last 2 out of 12 quotes we have for him.

“So it - we have one enduring, uh, idea that will always live on with the Smothers Brothers, that 'Mom always liked you best.' We're the universal, uh, feeling that every child, every sibling has had somewhere along the line. Or, 'Who did she like best?' And that became kind of a little mantra.”
“We were against the war in Vietnam and for voter registration and social issues. Everybody has their choices, and the obligation of a comedian is first to entertain. And if you're so inclined, and you have some bigger thought, make sure you express it, because that's a gift.”

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