Voltaire Quotes & Sayings (Page 15)
Voltaire quotes and sayings page 15 (58 year old writer). These are the last 5 out of 145 quotes we have for him.
“What then do you call your soul? What idea have you of it? You cannot of yourselves, without revelation, admit the existence within you of anything but a power unknown to you of feeling and thinking.”
“I have lived eighty years of life and know nothing for it, but to be resigned and tell myself that flies are born to be eaten by spiders and man to be devoured by sorrow.”
“It is not known precisely where angels dwell whether in the air, the void, or the planets. It has not been God's pleasure that we should be informed of their abode.”
“Fear follows crime and is its punishment.”
“Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes.”
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