Zack de la Rocha Quotes & Sayings

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6 most famous Zack de la Rocha quotes and sayings. He's a 55 year old American musician born on Jan 12, 1970.

Zack de la Rocha Quotes
“Your anger is a gift.”
Zack de la Rocha Quotes
“One of the great things about young people is that they do question, that they do care deeply about justice, and they they have open minds.”
Zack de la Rocha Quotes
“I'm in this band to give volume to various struggles throughout the world. To me, the tension in this band is a minimal sacrifice.”
Zack de la Rocha Quotes
“There are many Sheriff Arpaios. People who have taken to local city, county, and state governments across the county the idea that immigrants are the problem. That immigrants are to blame.”
“Governor Jan Brewer and the Arizona legislature have created an environment in Arizona where performing is no longer a neutral act. They have created an environment where they can convert the normal commercial interaction between artists and their fans into the means to apply this racist law.”
“I think every revolutionary act is an act of love. Every song that I've written, it is because of my desire to use music as a way to empower and re-humanize people who are living in a dehumanizing setting. The song is in order to better the human condition.”

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